How to maximize the BBM in Android applications.

Super greetings for the loyal readers of this blog. This article will discuss how to maximize the BBM in Android applications. please read and may be filtered to your other friends.

have you used the BBM app on Android? The most likely answer Iyalah there already, but there certainly are not using BBM app on Android. for those who already use BBM on Android this time will be discussed on how to maximize fuel on Android.

1. The first is that you need to reduce the use of RAM

reduce pengguanaan RAM on your smartphone will maximize fuel in android application. You must be wondering how do I reduce RAM usage. that way you have to go first to the fuel settings. then you have to turn off BBM connected Icon functions contained in the notification. besides turn off BBM connected icon, the icon is in the notification bar will also disappear. you can turn on that icon whenever you want. This way will make you more relief because of limited availability of your memory device.

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2. You must be invited to use the link of fuel

BBM link will simplify and most efficient way to add a friend, you do not need to use screenshots BBM PIN for using BBM PIN screenshots will only complicate you who want to add your friends. It's easy, you just simply share a link with your BBM PIN, clay example:> add PIN OprekAndroid in

when your friend clicks on the link then automatically your pin will terinvite.

3. You must use the AutoText

not to use it AutoText fuel in your android smartphone will certainly was not complete. for us I will share you the link to get the fuel AutoText for your android smartphone:
Her's the link:


 4. You must remove BBM contacts in Android

of course you will find it very disturbing that many often get interference even in the form of PING !!! or broadcast messages. would be very annoying when you know that doing so is the person you do not know. to reduce it, you must remove your BBM contacts, the way is very easy, you simply visit the BBM contact you long press on the name of the contact you want to delete and select delete the last step to remove the contact through the trash icon.
5. You have to use the Contacts Menu List

Grid is a display of your BBM contact that has a default. of course you will feel very difficult to find the contact you want to search because of too many contacts on your BBM. for that you need to perform the following steps,
fuel into the settings and scroll down until you reach into the contact, then you just change the contact layout nay to turn into a List.


That's a few tips on how to maximize the performance of the fuel you are using your Android Smartphone. I hope the above steps can help you to maximize the performance of the fuel in your android. of course this is a happy thing for its loyal users of this fuel applications.


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