Illegal tin of Bangka Island , Indonesia turned into raw material apple product ?

iphone 5 apple

Facts that will surprise you all the news that I will further inform . 
This information relates to a well-known manufacturers in the world is an apple . 
what the horrendous news ? read it down until you understand it .  

One of the largest in the English media that the BBC has just revealed a fact that arguably less reassure . The BBC recently displaying documentary video containing about conditions of the workers and also the fellow who worked for the company apple in building their products , namely the iPhone and iPad products issued by this company . in the video documentary shown that illegal tin used to make the iPhone and iPad is illegal tin from Indonesia precisely from Bangka island .  

Apple Senior VP of England also expressed disappointment with the pitiful state if the condition in the area prtambangan in the Bangka Island where children also worked in a very dangerous area such that the mining area will also be very dangerous for the other workers . that is diperlihat BBC in a documentary video .  

Williams said that right if the company uses the raw material tin taken from Bangka island country located in Indonesia , he also said that there is a very high probability that the lead that comes from the island of Bangka , Indonesia was also taken from illegal pertambangang even he could not deny the existence of corruption activities involved in supplying raw materials such apple products, but Williams said it is committed to fix it and suggest two solutions of problems related to this , the first no longer use lead in the Bangka island and the second way is still using lead from Bangka island and have to solve problems that have there are.  

The BBC also showed a video documentary that shows that children are also employed there and very bad treatment received by the workers in the company who work in factories owned fabricators Pegatron where workers should always work overtime and not allowed to holiday .

That's pretty shocking news for me because they see injustice given by the apple company . Banta hopefully this can become the way in which all people are considered and employed properly .  Thus warm this time information may be food for thought for all readers of this article specifically and loyal reader of this blog in general .  super special greetings from the admin .

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