Tips For Tracking Down The Missing Android Smartphone

Tips For Tracking Down The Missing Android Smartphone - Maybe some of us often forget our cell phone doesn't find or even worse phone we lost when traveling outside. This is definitely not a State we want, but as the saying goes "ready umbrella before it rains", we should prepare everything before the things we don't want to happen.

This time the authors will share tips for Android-based smartphone users on how to detect the location of the missing Android smartphone.

For the tips this time we must first prepare the configuration first. This tip only applies to Android devices that have previously configuration settings in Google. Let's get on with it we discuss his steps.

Google Settings

The first step we should do is to set the security setting on Google's settings. That became more value is, no need for third-party applications because these tips use only the default Android feature, namely the Android Device Manager. For the following steps:

  • Sign in to Google's Settings.

  • Enter to menu security.
  • In the ' Device Manager ' Android checklist on the ' Search this device location from a distance ' and ' allow locking and deleting from a distance '
  • After that, turn on the GPS on your smartphone.

  • After all settings have been done you can try with put your Android phone to another place, such as a friend or relative at home.
  • For the record, access data carriers connected and previous you have to login to Gmail account on your Android device.
To simply try it out it takes a device that will be used as a remote controller or device such as a PC, laptop, or other smartphone. Well here is how to track the location of the Android phones that have been set as above.
  • The first step you need to open the site of Android Device Manager or click here.
  • Will appear as shown below, then login using your Gmail account, remember that you must enter the same Gmail account with the account you are logged on your Android phone.

  • After successfully signing in you will be presented a map display with the search tools to track Android cell phone.

  • Wait until the process is complete, and if the location failed to find, try click the GPS icon that is in the top right corner in the search field.
  • If the location is already found, it will look like the picture below. The image below is an example of the location of the Android cell phone writers are being tracked her whereabouts. If the location is accurate then it would appear the address where your cell phone is located.
  • Later the location where your Android phone will be encircled by a blue circle, it is the coverage area estimation of GPS.
  • In the column there are three equipment options that its function is quite good.

  • First there is the button Ring, its function is to sound a ringing tone on our Android phones with the volume at maximum for five minutes though before your phone is in a State of silent/still. The goal in order to make it easier for us to find our phone if it lies hidden.
  • Secondly there is the button Lock/key, the function of this button to lock your Android phone permanently so that later on if there are other people who find your Android phone can't access your mobile phone. This feature is especially useful if you have data/files are very important/privacy when your lost Android phone.
  • Last there is the button Erase/delete, the functions of this button is the remove all Your data remotely. The deletion of data includes photos, video, contacts, applications, and others. This feature is a last resort for the sake of the security of your data if your phone could not be found.

Fairly complete instead of his tips? In fact, these tips just for anticipation whenever something bad happens that befell us, such as your mobile phone is stolen or lost. Of course we did not expect such a thing to happen to us, but it would be nice when doing the anticipation.

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