The origins of the beginning of the smart phone

Hello loyal readers of this blog. This edition of this blog will discuss the origins of the beginning of the smart phone. of course, we all know even already have a smart phone each. of course you already have a smart phone instead? but if among us already know the first smart phone that created humans?
there may already know, and there is not yet know. for who do not know, this blog will discuss in this edition. please refer this blog and read carefully.

for those of you who do not know when their first smart phone, I will tell you that the first smart phone that has been around since 1992. Believe it or not believe it is the first smart phone that SIMON is the first generation of smart phones made ​​in 1992 with a sophistication that screen touch. 1992 SIMON is a highly sophisticated smart phones which only certain people. SIMON smart phone is made by IBM and was on display at Comdex, in the United States
The next smart phone made ​​in 1996. The second era of the smart phone is Nokia's first smart phone works. The smart phone named Nokia 9000 incorporates Nokia phone Tazi blockbuster at that time with the PDA dubuat by Hewlett Packard.

The third era, which created the smart phone is the Palm Os Treo issued in 2001. Palm OS Treo comes with a keyboard that can be synced with a computer that can roam the network without wires.
The next era there were issued a Blackberry smart phone in 2002. The first smart phone made ​​by RIM blackberry email wirelessly using a very fast development and sales in a short time.

in the same year ie 2002, Windows CE computer bag OS released by Microsoft. Windows CE OS computer bag has been named as "Microsoft Windows Powered Smartphone 2002."

intermittent six years later, there are supporting Android OS smart phone released in 2008. Android get support from google in the inauguration. and the first smart phone using android system is G-1 which is the output of the brands t-Mobile and HTC Dream.

mid-year release of android, apple promote paid apps and free apps named app store. function of the app store itself to deliver smart applications developed by third parties directly from your iPhone using cellular network without the cost or WiFi without having to use a computer.

That's the history of the first smart phones on earth. whether it is appropriate to do you know? or even you did not expect?
if you are using smart phones since the first smart phone? or you are still new smart phone users?
That's a glimpse of news presented by this blog about the origin of the first establishment in the world of smart phones. of course you want to see other news about the development of the latest smart phones that are present all around us. so in order not to miss, read on article on this blog.
I hope you are uninitiated into know and who already know become increasingly know. thank you all.

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