Have you ever experiencing your smart phone accidentally fell into the water? or maybe your closest relatives. what would you do? of course you will be frantically searching for a way for your smart phones continue to function properly as before.
to answer that question, this blog will discuss the action that should be done when your smart phone into the water.
please read.
The rainy season has come upon us, maybe with our smart phone accidentally exposed to rain or water, rain water splashes trekena although a little tap right on the metal powered course will cause korseleting and can cause your smart phone totally dead.
smart phones become objects of very prone to this, by this I hope you can use the following ways:
1. Tips on Saving Water Submerged Smartphone or the first rain is turn off your smart phone immediately.
turn off your smart phone is the first action that must be done smart apabilaponsel we take in water. if it is off your smart phone penetration of water, then you do not try to turn it that would make shorting electrical devices that are in your smart phone.
2. The second tip is Deliver-Tool Tool Can Be Released from your smart phone
Remove Device-A device that could Released from your smart phone is one way to reduce the risk of shorting, you can let go of the devices that you can remove such as batteries, memory cards, SIM and others.
to answer that question, this blog will discuss the action that should be done when your smart phone into the water.
please read.
The rainy season has come upon us, maybe with our smart phone accidentally exposed to rain or water, rain water splashes trekena although a little tap right on the metal powered course will cause korseleting and can cause your smart phone totally dead.
smart phones become objects of very prone to this, by this I hope you can use the following ways:
1. Tips on Saving Water Submerged Smartphone or the first rain is turn off your smart phone immediately.
turn off your smart phone is the first action that must be done smart apabilaponsel we take in water. if it is off your smart phone penetration of water, then you do not try to turn it that would make shorting electrical devices that are in your smart phone.
2. The second tip is Deliver-Tool Tool Can Be Released from your smart phone
Remove Device-A device that could Released from your smart phone is one way to reduce the risk of shorting, you can let go of the devices that you can remove such as batteries, memory cards, SIM and others.
3. Dry your smart phone
The next step is to dry out your smart phone. Drying your smart phone is the most important thing. this is to dry the memory card, SIM card, battery, and chassis containing the electrical circuit. This section must be ensured in a state completely dry and there should not be a drop of water that could cause shorting. there are several ways that can be used to dry your smart phone, including the following:
a. using hairdyer
drying use a hair dryer requires an accuracy that can touch-Shelah Shelah your smart phone such as SIM cards, memory slots and places in order to dry completely. to dry the screen, you need a distance of about 30 cm menngunakan for your smart phone that does not lose its sensitivity.
b. using the oven
oven can be used to dry your smart phone is exposed to water, by putting your smart phone into a box then put the box into the oven. oven set at a temperature of about 430 C-480C that will not break your smart phone device. takes longer, but is more secure when compared to using a hairdryer,
c. using a fan
Drying your smart phone is exposed to water using a fan is the safest way, but it will take a very long time. to ensure your smart phone in an absolutely dry completely, it will take a full day. very long time.
d. using rice
rice it can be used to dry your smart phone, your way is by providing a bowl of rice and put your smart phone. This takes all night to make sure your phone is completely dry. turns rice has the ability to absorb water and moisture contained around. using the rice will be safe and without side effects due to use of natural materials.
Drying your smart phone is exposed to water using a fan is the safest way, but it will take a very long time. to ensure your smart phone in an absolutely dry completely, it will take a full day. very long time.
d. using rice
rice it can be used to dry your smart phone, your way is by providing a bowl of rice and put your smart phone. This takes all night to make sure your phone is completely dry. turns rice has the ability to absorb water and moisture contained around. using the rice will be safe and without side effects due to use of natural materials.
e. using silica gel
silica gel can absorb water with high pressure, which makes silica gel capable of drying your smart phone is exposed to water. way is you have to make sure all parts of your smart phone covered by a silica gel. let stand all day, your smart phone will be completely dry.
f. using pure alcohol (100%)
using pure alcohol can also dry out your smart phone. although it sounds a little bit extreme but pure alcohol is not to drink will greatly help dry your smart phone. based on the science of physics, when combined, will spirit Replace existing water.
ways to do this for mobile pintarmu submerged, the sooner the better, so that the phone pintarmu be the same again. would be very helpful if you continue to visit this blog.
silica gel can absorb water with high pressure, which makes silica gel capable of drying your smart phone is exposed to water. way is you have to make sure all parts of your smart phone covered by a silica gel. let stand all day, your smart phone will be completely dry.
f. using pure alcohol (100%)
using pure alcohol can also dry out your smart phone. although it sounds a little bit extreme but pure alcohol is not to drink will greatly help dry your smart phone. based on the science of physics, when combined, will spirit Replace existing water.
ways to do this for mobile pintarmu submerged, the sooner the better, so that the phone pintarmu be the same again. would be very helpful if you continue to visit this blog.
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